hi friend,
my fourth book, poems for the signs, comes out in less than a month! as a thank you for being a pitter patter subscriber, here’s your first look:
i’ve never written a preface for my books before, so i am very excited for this. hi, it’s me, michaela. i thought before you read a book with my interpretation of the astrological signs, i should give you a little explanation so you don’t get mad at me.
my love for astrology started at a young age, as soon as i found out i was a scorpio sun. that’s why i love death and darkness so much? i felt seen. finding out i wasn’t just rude for fun and that it was my sagittarius mercury? huge. fast forward twenty years and i’m now the friend that knows everyone’s sun signs. and if i’ve gotten your birth time out of you, i definitely remember at least your big three.
i love using astrology as a tool for self-reflection. i love seeing the beautiful ways that certain placements show up in people’s lives. by more deeply studying astrology over the past few years, i’ve learned to make less assumptions based on placements and ask more questions. the ways in which people’s charts actualize can be so unique when you add layers of houses, degrees, and aspects, the experiences they’ve had and the amount of self-reflection they’ve done. i see astrology as an opportunity to learn about people vs. a way to make a snap judgment.
these poems were lovingly written and inspired by so many things. some of them were written about people with certain placements that stick out to me. some of them made their way into a certain sign because of the energy they hold. some of them were written as love letters for specific signs based on what i think people in my life, past and present, need to hear. many of the poems, no matter the section they’re in, are things we all (me included) need to hear more often.
like all my books, there are some brutally honest takes in these poems. but if you’re reading a section about a placement you have, i just want you to know it doesn’t mean i think all people with that sun sign are that way, or that people with placements in that sign need to learn that lesson. it just resonated with me and the experiences i’ve had.
i hope you find love in each section, no matter what your sun sign is or what placements you have in your chart. we all have aspects of the twelve signs in us, even if we don’t have specific placements. i hope this collection makes you and all your parts feel loved.