wishing on a poem
hi friend,
2020 was the first year i started writing poems based on things that hadn’t happened yet. it was the first year that i worked with manifesting and the moon cycle regularly, letting things go on full moons and asking the universe for what i wanted on new moons.
(a little disclaimer: i see manifesting as getting really clear on what you want in life and orienting all parts of your mind, body and spirit towards it. i also fully acknowledge that my privilege as a financially stable white able-bodied person makes it easier for me to achieve these goals—now back to it.)
the more i got used to this process, the more i found it inspirational when i was writing. so i started manifesting the kind of love i wanted through poems. and while doing that, i also quite literally manifested it by treating myself the way i would want a partner to: taking myself out on dates, buying myself gifts, flowers for no reason, working on my negative self talk so that instead of beating myself down when i looked in the mirror, i built myself up.
while on my journey of taking all those partnership dreams and making them real for myself with myself, i realized that i could live a completely fulfilling life with the connections i already had. i gained a greater appreciation for platonic love and romance, and became so grateful that while i was learning to love myself in the way i deserved, i had friends who could love me like that too.
i used to get so annoyed when people told me, “you’ll find someone when you stop looking” but, well, three years later, almost everything i manifested through the poems that i ended up publishing in ‘poems for the signs’ has come true.
now i’m writing poems about the love i dreamed about that’s actually right in front of me.
and it’s all coming together in my fifth (!!!) collection of poetry called ‘there is room for all of you here’ coming out later this year.
i got so used to stumbling
bending over backwards
but when it’s just
me and you
i finally feel like i’m landing