my, aren't you discerning?
hi friend,
i am back with another word of the year.
can you believe we made it to 2025?
if you’re new to this whole shebang–every year, i share some musings about last year’s word, this year’s word, and why i chose it.
it was very apt that 2024’s year was surrender (and not adventure, which i almost chose), because boy, did i have to do a lot of surrendering.
nothing really went as planned in 2024. i was nudged in many different directions. i’m still trying to make sense of everything that happened. but i think holding on to surrender was, if anything, helpful.
i don’t think the energy of 2024 was to control anything, so i’m glad i started off with the intention to let go and ride the wave.
the energy for 2025 feels different though.
i’m tapped in in a new way.
if you haven’t clued in already, this year’s word is discernment.
i think i was born with a lot of discernment but it got shaken out of me over the years.
my yeses and nos were very clear to me as a child, but like many people, i’ve been corrected for them.
told i’m too honest. told i’m mean. taught to sacrifice my truth for other people.
this is a pattern i feel like i will continuously need to unlearn because it’s so ingrained in me. just when i think i’ve killed my inner people pleaser, there they are.
discernment for 2025 to me, means listening to my gut. not silencing myself when something feels off. having higher standards for myself and my life.
i don’t need to accept less to be ‘nice’. i don’t need to hold on to people, places, and things until my fingers bleed. i need to notice the bleeding, see the pain faster and let that shit go.
in 2025, i hope to be in rooms where i can speak up. where my voice, my opinions and my values are valued.
i want to be in community with people who prioritize themselves, who value honesty, who believe that we can collectively do more to support each other and create a better future for us all.
and i hope discernment helps me get there.
what else is new with me?
the michaela multiverse has expanded.
a new poetry collection
ICYMI, please look into the mirror is now out on amazon and barnes & noble. it’s a collection about finding discernment–healing the mother wound, letting go of self-sacrifice, and discovering my no again.
spoken word
i’ve made accounts dedicated to getting better at reading my poetry out loud (tiktok, instagram) if you wanna join me on that journey.
i’m an astrologer now
i’ve started offering astrology readings (if you’re an OG reader of pitter patter this makes sense to you)–if you want updates on those offerings, i have an instagram and threads.
as a pitter patter friend, you can use code ‘FRIENDSANDFAM20’ for 20% off readings in january.
i’m potentially going to host a valentine’s day poetry work shop in kitchener (we’d spend an evening writing poems for loved ones and you’d have the option to type it up on my typewriter)–if you’re local and interested, please comment, reply to this or DM me to let me know! will only do it if there’s enough interest.
if you’re not local but would want an online version of this (without the typewriter part), also let me know!
that’s it for now, thanks for being here.